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How to Get Tomato Sauce Out of Clothes (Ultimate Guide)

How to Get Tomato Sauce Out of Clothes

Did you spill tomato sauce all over your shirt again? Are you upset about those ugly red patches on your beautiful pastel dress shirt? If yes, then chances are you want a tried-and-tested way to get the tomato sauce out of clothes.

Luckily, this is just the right place. We have researched thoroughly and put together this ultimate guide on how to get tomato sauce out of clothes. So, without further ado, let’s dive in!

Is Tomato Sauce Hard to Get Out of Clothes?

No, tomato sauce isn’t hard to get out of clothes if you wash it right after spilling. But if you let it rest and dry, removing it might not be so easy.

Is Tomato Sauce Hard to Get Out of Clothes

It’s because tomatoes contain tannins. These are natural compounds found in vegetables and fruits that leave behind a stain on the surface. Since tomato sauce also includes oil, the grease further strengthens the stain and makes it difficult to wash.

However, dried tomato sauce stains can also be removed from the clothes. You just need to use the right tools and methods that we have discussed later in the article!

What Temperature Removes Tomato Stains?

When removing stains, the majority of cleaning experts will suggest you use hot water. The high amounts of heat dissolve the material and solvents fast. It’s especially true for stains caused by oil, grease, and dirt.

But, when talking about tomato sauce stains, this is not recommended. The hot water can cause the tomato particles to cook and leave a more intense stain. So, the first step should be to rinse the sauce with cold water.

Make sure to run the water from the back of the spoiled area. It’s because the force of water can push the sauce particles deeper into the fabric and make it difficult to remove. Once you have rinsed away all the sauce, it’s safer to use higher temperatures to treat the garments.

How to Get Tomato Sauce Out of Clothes?

Whenever tomato sauce spills onto your clothes, the first thing you should do is remove the excess. Take a butter knife, spoon, or any other utensil to scoop up the extra sauce on top of the fabric immediately.

Don’t rub a tissue against the stain, as it can spread the sauce to the unaffected areas too. Next, put the cloth under a faucet and run water through the backside of the stain. This will push out the excess sauce.

Unfortunately, no matter how quickly you do all this to the clothes, a stain will be left behind. You can treat it using these tried-and-tested methods!

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Method 1: Laundry Detergent to Get Tomato Sauce Out of Clothes

Laundry Detergent to Get Tomato Sauce Out of Clothes

If the tomato sauce stain is fresh or hasn’t spilled on a large area, simple laundry detergent will do the trick. First, wet the stained area with cold water. Squeeze out the excess water so that the cloth is only damp.

Then, pour a small amount of detergent on the stain. Gently rub it into the fabric by moving your fingertips in a circular motion. Use a scrubbing brush if available. Leave the fabric for 10 to 15 minutes, and then rinse it under cold water.

Please note that putting the stained cloth with the rest of the laundry won’t guarantee good results. It will only lighten the stain. So, first, treat it separately using detergent, and then you can wash it with the other dirty clothes.

Method 2: Baking Soda & Vinegar Solution to Get Tomato Sauce Out of Clothes

Baking soda and vinegar are a popular combination. It is commonly used to clean and disinfect surfaces. But why is this combo so powerful?

Baking Soda & Vinegar Solution

Also called bicarbonate of soda, baking soda is harsh and breaks down organic compounds easily. It is a pH value of 9, which makes it alkaline in nature. However, vinegar is highly acidic with a pH value of 2.

So, when combined in unequal quantities, they both either form an acidic or basic solution. The acidic vinegar breaks the baking soda particles. This releases carbon dioxide gas that lifts up the dirt with it. Here’s how to use baking soda and vinegar solution to remove tomato stains from clothes:

  • Mix 2 parts baking soda with 1 part vinegar to create a thick paste. Please note baking soda and vinegar should never be combined in equal quantities. It’s because the acid will neutralize the effect of alkali. And so, the stain won’t be cleaned.
  • Rub the paste on the stain in a circular motion.
  • Leave the cloth for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Rinse with fresh water.

Method 3: Baking Soda, Salt & Water Paste to Get Tomato Sauce Out of Clothes

If you don’t have vinegar at hand, fret not because there’s another easy remedy to get the fresh tomato sauce stain out of clothes. First, mix equal parts of baking soda and salt in a bowl. Then, add a few drops of water to form a thick white paste.

Baking Soda, Salt & Water Paste

Both baking soda and salt are acidic in nature. So, this will create a highly acidic paste that will pull out the stain from the fabric quickly.

Rub this paste onto the stain and massage it with your fingers. After 2 minutes of gentle rubbing, leave the fabric for 10 minutes. Rinse it with fresh water or put it in the laundry to be washed with other clothes.

Method 4: Dishwash Detergent, Vinegar & Ice to Get Tomato Sauce Out of Clothes

This is a unique combination that has proven to get even the old dried tomato sauce stains out of the clothes easily. Dishwash detergent is regularly used to remove food particles and bacteria from dishes. So, it makes sense to use it for a tomato sauce stain.

Dishwash Detergent, Vinegar & Ice

The chemicals break down the grease and oil in the sauce easily. As for vinegar, we have already discussed how its alkaline nature makes it harsh on stains. The only mystery is the use of ice cubes in this particular method.

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We don’t exactly know the science behind it, but the ice works wonders in getting rid of tomato sauce stains from clothes! Here’s how you can use it too:

  • Pour a few drops of dishwashing detergent into the affected area.
  • Use an ice cube to rub the detergent into the fabric. Continue rubbing until the fabric has soaked in the detergent and you can see some foam.
  • Discard the ice cube and leave the fabric for 5 minutes. The stain should fade during this time.
  • Soak a clean rag in vinegar and blot the stain with it. This should remove all the remaining red color from the fabric.
  • Wash it using regular laundry detergent.

Method 5: Bleaching Agents to Get Tomato Sauce Out of Clothes

Bleaching is the process of breaking down soils into colorless and soluble particles. This results in a whiter and brighter fabric with no stains. But it also removes the color from the fabric.

Bleaching Agents

So, before you use any commercial bleaching product, make sure to either select white clothes or test them for colorfastness. Here’s how to do that:

  • Dissolve 1 teaspoon of detergent in a mug of warm water.
  • Find an inconspicuous corner of the fabric and soak it in the water.
  • Wait for a few minutes. Typically, the color starts to bleed in the water. This means that the dye is not stable and bleaching it will ruin the fabric.
  • If the color doesn’t bleed into the water, remove the fabric and squeeze it. Then, use a white paper towel to blot the damp fabric. It is suitable for bleaching if no color stains the white towel.

Another way to ensure that the fabric is safe for bleach is to look at the tag. If there is a simple triangle, it means any bleach can be used. However, if there is a triangle with two diagonal lines, you can only use non-chlorine bleach. A triangle with a cross means the fabric shouldn’t be bleached.

Learn more about Chlorine VS Non-Chlorine bleach here!

Once you are satisfied that the cloth is bleach-safe, follow these steps to remove the tomato sauce stain:

  • Pour a capful of non-chlorine bleach into a bucket of hot water.
  • Soak the stained clothes in the solution.
  • Let it rest for an hour.
  • At regular intervals, take the clothes out and scrub the stain with a laundry brush. This will get stubborn stains out and reduce the stiffness of bleached clothes.
  • Wash the clothes with detergent and freshwater. If the stain is still there, repeat the process and let the clothes soak overnight in the bleach solution.

If you don’t have commercial bleach available, you can use several other natural bleaching agents like lemon juice and white distilled vinegar. You can also use hydrogen peroxide but it is very harsh and may damage certain fabrics. It’s recommended to use it on cotton only.

Method 6: Commercial Stain Remover to Get Tomato Sauce Out of Clothes

Commercial Stain Remover

When nothing works, you can always turn to commercial stain removers to remove tomato sauce stains from your clothes. They are available as either gel, stick, or spray. In any form, the commercial stain remover may use any of the following techniques:

  • Dissolve

Stain removers typically contain a solvent that dissolves the stain. The type of solvent may differentiate between different products. Some common types include water, rubbing alcohol, and hydrocarbons like gasoline.

The general rule is to choose a solvent based on the stain. Water will dissolve water-based stains and gasoline will dissolve oil-based stains. However, rubbing alcohol works well with both water and oil-based stains.

  • Emulsification
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Some stain removers use emulsifiers like sulfonates and soap. Upon contact, these chemicals lift up the stain and dissolve it. They also work on both water and oil-based stains.

  • Digestion

Although this isn’t common, stain removers also use enzymes to break down the stain molecules. Enzymes are catalysts that digest fats and proteins in the stains. There might be oxidizers present in the formula too.

Whatever stain remover type you choose, make sure to apply the product generously and blot it with a clean cloth. Let it rest for 10 minutes and launder as usual.

How to Get Tomato Sauce Out of Clothes Without Washing Them?

Unfortunately, there is no way to get a tomato sauce stain out of your clothes without washing them. It’s because water will help wipe out any excess baking soda, detergent, bleach, or any other product you have used on the fabric.

So, it doesn’t matter which of the methods you select. You will have to wash the clothes afterward to ensure that the stain and cleaning product is completely removed.


Does tomato sauce permanently stain?

No, tomato sauce doesn’t permanently stain if you wash it soon after spilling. If you let the dried stain sit for days, it will become permanent.

Does salt remove tomato stains?

No, salt on its own will not remove tomato stains. But you can use it with baking soda and water (as discussed above).

Does toothpaste remove tomato stains?

Toothpaste is a common hack to remove stains on clothes. It’s because toothpaste contains a slightly abrasive substance like baking soda, silica, or dicalcium phosphate. When rubbed against the stained fabric, it will break the particles and lift them up.

Scrub it with an old toothbrush for better performance. Then, rinse or launder the fabric as usual. However, tomato stains can be difficult to remove with toothpaste.

How to get tomato stains out of baby clothes?

There are several different ways to get tomato stains out of baby clothes. You can use baking soda & vinegar, bleaching agents, commercial stain removers, and much more. Please refer to the methods listed above!

Last Words

To recap, tomato sauce stains are very easy to remove from clothes. You can do so by:

  1. Laundry detergent
  2. Baking soda & vinegar
  3. Baking soda, salt & water
  4. Dishwash detergent, vinegar & ice cube
  5. Bleaching Agents
  6. Commercial stain remover

Whichever method you choose, first remove the excess sauce with a spoon or tissue. Also, make sure to treat the stain as soon as possible. The longer you let the stain stay, the tougher it will become to remove it.

We hope this article has proved to be a useful resource. Try out these methods and let us know your experience in the comments below!

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