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How To Get Makeup Stains Out of Clothes (Step by Step Guide)

How To Get Makeup Stains Out of Clothes

Keeping your clothes looking perfect can be tricky, especially when it comes to those frustrating makeup stains. From foundation to lipstick, it can seem like those little smudges are here to stay. Don’t worry, there’s still hope! If you’re looking for a guide on how to get makeup stains out of clothes, you’ve come to the right place. In this ultimate guide, we’ll cover all the basics and tricks of the trade to help you get your clothes looking as good as new. From simple techniques like using a dishcloth and cold water to more complex methods like using a spot cleaner, we’ll show you how to tackle those tough makeup stains. So, if you’re ready to get rid of those pesky spots, let’s get started!

Why Are Makeup Stains Tricky To Remove?

Makeup stains can be tricky to remove because they often contain a combination of oil, pigment, and other ingredients that can be difficult to break down and remove. Additionally, certain types of makeup, such as waterproof mascara or long-lasting lipstick, are formulated to be resistant to removal, which can make them even more difficult to get out of fabrics. Here are a few reasons why makeup stains can be tricky to remove:

  • Many makeup products contain oils, pigments, and other ingredients that can bond with fabrics and become embedded in the fibers.
  • Makeup stains are often colorful, which can make them more noticeable and harder to remove.
  • Some makeup products, such as waterproof mascara and long-lasting lipstick, are designed to be long-lasting and resistant to removal.
  • Depending on the type of fabric, specific treatments or solvents may be needed to break down the stain and remove it. However, these treatments can sometimes be damaging to the fabric or cause discoloration.
  • Makeup stains can be especially tricky to remove if they are allowed to set in the fabric for a long time before being treated.

For these reasons, it is important to act quickly when trying to remove a makeup stain and to use the appropriate treatment for the specific type of fabric and stain.

Getting Rid Of Makeup Stains From Clothes – 5 Simple Methods

There are a few different methods you can try to get makeup stains out of clothes, depending on the type of fabric and the type of makeup. Here are some easy and effective methods you can try:

1. Shaving cream Getting Rid Of Makeup Stains From Clothes

Shaving cream can be an effective option for removing makeup stains because it can help to lift and dissolve oils and other greasy substances. Many makeup products, such as foundations and lipsticks, contain oils that can bond with fabric fibers and make the stains difficult to remove. Shaving cream can help to break down these oils and make it easier to lift the stain from the fabric.

Shaving cream Getting Rid Of Makeup Stains From Clothes

Additionally, shaving cream is a mild, gentle cleaning agent that is safe for use on most fabrics. It is also widely available and relatively inexpensive, making it a convenient option for removing stains at home. Here are the steps you can follow to use shaving cream to remove a makeup stain:

  • Scrape off any excess makeup with a butter knife or a similar object.
  • Squirt a small amount of shaving cream onto the stain.
  • Rub the shaving cream into the stain using a circular motion.
  • Let the shaving cream sit on the stain for 5-10 minutes.
  • Rinse the area with cold water to remove the shaving cream.
  • Wash the garment according to the care instructions on the label, using the hottest water that is safe for the fabric. If the stain is still present after washing, repeat steps 2-5 before drying the garment.
  • If the stain is still present after all of these steps, you may need to try a different stain removal method or take the garment to a professional cleaner.
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It’s worth noting, however, that shaving cream may not be effective at removing all types of makeup stains, particularly those that are heavily pigmented or have set on the fabric for a long time. In these cases, it may be necessary to try a different stain removal method or get help from a professional cleaner.

2. Rubbing Alcohol Getting Rid Of Makeup Stains From Clothes

Rubbing alcohol is an excellent option for removing makeup stains from clothes because it is a strong solvent. This means that it can dissolve many types of stains, including makeup. Rubbing alcohol can also help to break down the oils and pigments in makeup, making it easier to remove the stain.

Rubbing Alcohol Getting Rid Of Makeup Stains From Clothes

Furthermore, rubbing alcohol evaporates quickly, which can help to minimize the amount of time the stain has to set in. This is especially important for removing makeup stains, as the longer the stain sits, the harder it will be to remove. To remove a makeup stain from clothes using rubbing alcohol, follow these steps:

  • First, scrape off any excess makeup from the fabric using a spoon or a butter knife. Be careful not to rub the stain, as this can cause it to spread.
  • Next, mix a solution of equal parts rubbing alcohol and water.
  • Apply the solution to the stain using a clean cloth or sponge, working from the outside of the stain towards the center to avoid spreading the stain.
  • Blot the stain with a clean, dry cloth to remove the solution and any excess makeup.
  • If the stain is still visible, repeat the process until it is no longer visible.
  • Once the stain is gone, rinse the fabric thoroughly with cold water to remove any remaining solution or makeup.
  • Wash the clothing according to the care instructions on the label.

It’s important to act quickly when trying to remove a makeup stain, as the longer the stain sits, the harder it will be to remove. If the stain has already dried, you may need to use a stronger solution of rubbing alcohol or try a different stain-removal method.

3. Hairspray Getting Rid Of Makeup Stains From Clothes

Hairspray can be an excellent stain remover because it contains alcohol, which can help to dissolve many types of stains. Hairspray can also help to loosen and lift stains from fabrics, making it easier to remove them. In addition, hairspray can help to break down the oils and pigments in stains, such as makeup, making them easier to remove.

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Hairspray Getting Rid Of Makeup Stains From Clothes

To use hairspray to remove a makeup stain from clothes, follow these steps:

  • Spray the hairspray directly onto the stain, making sure to cover the entire stain.
  • Let the hairspray sit for a few minutes (typically for 5-10 minutes) to allow it to penetrate and loosen the stain.
  • Blot the stain with a clean, dry cloth to remove the hairspray and any excess makeup.
  • If the stain is still visible, repeat the process until it is no longer visible.
  • Once the stain is gone, rinse the fabric thoroughly with cold water to remove any remaining hairspray or makeup.
  • Wash the clothing according to the care instructions on the label.

It’s important to keep in mind that hairspray may not be effective for removing all types of stains, and it may not be suitable for use on all fabrics. It’s always a good idea to test the hairspray on a small, inconspicuous area of the fabric first to make sure it does not damage the material. It is also of paramount importance to act quickly when trying to remove a makeup stain using hairspray. If the stain has already dried, you may need to try a different method of stain removal.

4. Pre-wash Stain Remover Getting Rid Of Makeup Stains From Clothes

Pre-wash stain removers are cleaning products that are used to remove stains from clothing, linens, and other fabrics before washing. These products are applied to the stain before the item is washed, and they work by breaking down the stain and helping to lift it out of the fabric. Pre-wash stain removers are typically sprayed or applied to the affected area and then allowed to sit for a period of time before being washed off.

Pre-wash Stain Remover Getting Rid Of Makeup Stains From Clothes

There are many different types of pre-wash stain removers on the market, and they are formulated to remove a variety of different stains, including makeup, grass, grease, and food stains. When it comes to getting makeup stains out of clothes, most pre-wash stain removers are most effective on stains from liquid foundations and concealers. Here are the steps to follow when using pre-wash stain remover to get makeup stains out of clothes:

  • Begin by blotting the stain with a clean, dry cloth to absorb as much of the makeup as possible. Avoid rubbing the stain, as this can cause it to spread and set in further.
  • Next, apply the pre-wash stain remover to the affected area, following the manufacturer’s instructions. Be sure to use a product that is safe for the fabric and recommended for removing makeup stains.
  • Allow the stain remover to sit on the stain for the amount of time recommended by the manufacturer. This will give the product time to penetrate the fibers and break down the stain.
  • Once the recommended time has passed, gently rub the stain with a clean, damp cloth to help lift the stain from the fabric.
  • Rinse the area with cool water to remove any remaining stain remover and to help rinse away the stain.
  • If the stain is still present, repeat the above steps until the stain is removed.
  • Once the stain has been removed, wash the garment according to the care instructions on the label. Be sure to use a detergent that is safe for the fabric and consider adding a color-safe bleach to the wash to help remove any remaining stain.
  • Finally, air dry the garment or tumble dry on a low heat setting. If the stain is still visible after the garment has been dried, repeat the above steps until the stain has been completely removed.
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5. Detergent Pens Getting Rid Of Makeup Stains From Clothes

Detergent pens are small, portable cleaning products that are used to spot clean stains on clothing, linens, and other fabrics. They are similar to pre-wash stain removers, but they are typically in the form of a pen or marker, which makes them easy to use and store. Detergent pens are typically formulated to remove a variety of different stains, including food, grease, and makeup stains. They are often convenient to use when you are away from home, as they do not require access to a sink or other water source.

Detergent Pens Getting Rid Of Makeup Stains From Clothes

If you want get makeup stains out of your clothes by employing the use of a detergent pen, below are are the steps to follow:

  • Shake the pen well before use.
  • Press the tip of the pen onto the stain. When you do this, the detergent solution will come out.
  • Rub the tip of the pen over the stain in a circular motion to work the detergent into the fabric.
  • Allow the detergent solution to sit on the stain for a few minutes to allow it to penetrate the fabric and loosen the stain.
  • Rinse the area with water to remove the detergent solution and the stain.
  • Repeat the process if necessary, and then wash the item as directed on the care label.

It’s important to read the label carefully and choose a detergent pen that is safe for the fabric you are treating. Some detergent pens are designed for specific types of fabric, such as delicate fabrics or whites, while others are suitable for use on a range of fabrics. It’s also important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use to ensure that the product is used safely and effectively.


In conclusion, getting makeup stains out of clothes can be a challenging task, but it’s not impossible. By acting quickly and using the right cleaning method, you can effectively remove most makeup stains and keep your clothes looking fresh and clean. Whether you choose to use a gentle, oil-based makeup remover, a liquid laundry detergent, or a liquid enzyme cleaner, be sure to follow the instructions on the product packaging and test a small, inconspicuous area of the fabric before applying the cleaner to the stain. If all else fails, consider taking the item to a professional dry cleaner for further assistance. With a little bit of patience and elbow grease, you can successfully remove even the toughest makeup stains and restore your clothes to their former glory.

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