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How To Remove Gorilla Glue From Clothes (Step by Step Guide)

How To Remove Gorilla Glue From Clothes Easily And Quickly

Gorilla Glue is a versatile and widely used adhesive known for its strong bonding properties. However, accidents happen, and sometimes we end up getting Gorilla Glue on our clothes, which can be a real headache to remove. The glue’s polyurethane-based formula creates a strong bond with the fabric fibers, making it hard to remove once it has dried. Also, its thick and viscous consistency can seep deep into the fibers, making it even harder to remove. But don’t worry; there are ways to remove Gorilla Glue from your clothes without damaging the fabric. In this article, we will explore various methods for removing Gorilla Glue from clothing, including using solvents, heat, and mechanical action. Whether you’re dealing with a small spot or a large area, we’ve got you covered. So, don’t let Gorilla Glue ruin your clothes – learn how to remove it quickly and effectively.

Why Is It Very Difficult To Get Rid Of Gorilla Glue From Clothes?

Gorilla Glue is a polyurethane-based adhesive, which means it is made up of long chains of molecules that create a strong bond when they come into contact with moisture. This makes it very difficult to remove from clothing once it has dried, as the glue molecules have formed a tight bond with the fibers of the fabric.

Additionally, Gorilla Glue is a very thick and viscous liquid, which means it can seep deep into the fibers of the fabric, making it harder to remove. The glue also tends to expand as it dries, which can make the bond even stronger and harder to break. These properties make Gorilla Glue a challenging substance to remove from clothing, but not impossible.

Getting Rid Of Gorilla Glue From Your Clothes – 5 Simple And Effective Techniques

Just as mentioned earlier, Gorilla Glue can be very difficult to remove. But it can still be removed when you act swiftly and use the right technique. Here are 5 of the most effective ways to get Gorilla Glue out of clothes:

1. Turpentine Getting Rid Of Gorilla Glue From Your Clothes

Turpentine is an effective solvent for removing Gorilla Glue from clothes because of its strong solvent properties. Gorilla Glue is made up of long chains of molecules that create a strong bond when they come into contact with moisture. Turpentine is a strong solvent that can break down the bond between the glue and the fabric fibers, and dissolve the glue, making it easier to remove. Turpentine’s solvent properties come from its main component, a hydrocarbon called “terpene.” Terpenes are organic compounds that are found in many plants and are known for their solvent properties.

Turpentine Getting Rid Of Gorilla Glue From Your Clothes

Turpentine also has a low surface tension, which allows it to penetrate the glue and the fabric fibers more easily, allowing it to dissolve the glue more effectively. Additionally, Turpentine’s ability to dissolve the glue is also due to its high volatility, which means it evaporates quickly, taking the dissolved glue with it. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use turpentine to remove Gorilla Glue from clothes:

  • Turpentine can be harsh on some fabrics, so it’s important to first test a small part of the garment before applying it to the entire area.
  • Protecting the surrounding areas is important to prevent turpentine from spreading to other areas of the garment or surfaces. You can use a plastic sheet or newspaper to cover the surrounding areas.
  • Using a clean cloth or an old toothbrush, apply a small amount of turpentine to the affected area. Be sure to work in small sections and avoid saturating the fabric.
  • Next, gently rub the affected area in a circular motion to help break down the bond between the glue and the fabric.
  • Once the glue has been softened, use a clean cloth or paper towel to wipe away as much of the glue as possible.
  • Rinse the affected area with cold water to remove any remaining turpentine and glue residue.
  • Finally, launder the clothing with laundry detergent to remove any remaining residue. Again, it’s important to follow the care instructions on the garment label when laundering.
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It is important to know that turpentine is a very strong solvent and can be harmful if inhaled or ingested, so you should use it in a well-ventilated area and with gloves. Also, keep in mind that it may only work on some types of fabrics.

2. Acetone Getting Rid Of Gorilla Glue From Your Clothes

Acetone is another great option for removing Gorilla Glue from clothes because it is a powerful solvent that can dissolve the glue effectively. Acetone can dissolve the plastic component of the glue, breaking down its bonds and allowing it to be easily removed from the fabric. Additionally, acetone is a common solvent that is easily available in most stores or online, making it a convenient option for removing Gorilla Glue stains.

Acetone Getting Rid Of Gorilla Glue From Your Clothes

Here are the steps to follow when you are using acetone to remove Gorilla Glue from your clothes:

  • First, lay the garment flat on a clean, hard surface, such as a table or countertop.
  • Next, apply a small amount of acetone to a cotton swab or cloth, being careful not to saturate the fabric.
  • Gently rub the acetone over the Gorilla Glue stain in a circular motion. Repeat this step as needed until the glue begins to dissolve.
  • Once the glue has been removed, rinse the garment thoroughly with water to remove any remaining acetone.
  • If any glue residue is still present, repeat steps 2 to 4.
  • Once the glue is completely removed, launder the garment as you normally would.

It’s important to note that while it’s a good option for removing the glue, acetone can also be harsh on certain fabrics and may cause discoloration or damage. That’s why it’s important to test it on a small, hidden part of the fabric before applying it to the stain to ensure that it will not damage or discolor the fabric. Also, keep in mind that acetone is flammable, so be sure to use it in a well-ventilated area and avoid open flames or sparks.

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3. Lemon Juice Getting Rid Of Gorilla Glue From Your Clothes

Lemon juice is a simple yet brilliant option for removing Gorilla Glue from clothes because it is acidic and can break down the chemical bonds of the glue. The citric acid found in lemon juice can soften the glue and make it easier to remove from the fabric. Also, lemon juice is a natural, non-toxic substance, making it a safe and effective option for removing Gorilla Glue from clothing. Lemon juice is also a natural degreaser and can help to remove any oils or dirt that may be mixed in with the glue.

Lemon Juice Getting Rid Of Gorilla Glue From Your Clothes

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can use lemon juice to remove Gorilla Glue from clothes:

  • Begin by mixing equal parts lemon juice and water in a spray bottle.
  • Spray the solution generously on the affected area of the clothing.
  • Allow the lemon juice solution to sit on the glue for at least 15 minutes. The acid in the lemon juice will begin to break down the glue.
  • After 15 minutes, use a clean cloth or sponge to rub the glue and the surrounding area gently. Be careful not to rub too hard, as this could damage the fabric.
  • Repeat steps 2-4 until the glue is fully removed.
  • Once the glue is removed, rinse the clothing with cold water to remove any remaining lemon juice.
  • Finally, launder the clothing as usual.

Certain fabrics like silk or polyester may not be suitable for this treatment. Consider consulting a professional cleaner if you are dealing with a delicate or expensive piece of cloth.

4. Steaming Getting Rid Of Gorilla Glue From Your Clothes

Steaming, in the context of cleaning, is a method in which hot steam is used to heat or clean an item. It is used to remove wrinkles, odors, and stains from clothes, carpets, and upholstery. You can use this method to get Gorilla Glue out of clothes with little or no stress.

Steaming Getting Rid Of Gorilla Glue From Your Clothes

There are different types of steamers available for cleaning, including handheld steamers, portable steam cleaners, and larger commercial steam cleaners. These devices work by heating water to create steam, which is then directed onto the surface to be cleaned. The heat and moisture from the steam helps to loosen dirt, grime, and other debris, making it easier to remove. To remove Gorilla Glue from clothes by steaming, here are the steps you should follow:

  • Begin by filling a steamer or a pot with water and heat it till the water starts boiling.
  • Hold the garment in the direction of the steam and allow the steam to penetrate the fabric for several minutes. The heat and moisture from the steam will help to soften the glue.
  • Once the glue has softened, use a clean cloth or sponge to rub the glue and the surrounding area gently. Be careful not to rub too hard, as this could damage the fabric.
  • Repeat steps 2-3 until the glue is fully removed.
  • Once the glue is removed, rinse the clothing with cold water to remove any remaining residue.
  • Finally, launder the clothing as usual.
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It’s important to keep in mind that some fabrics and surfaces may not be suitable for steaming, or may require special care, so always be sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions.

5. Rubbing Alcohol Getting Rid Of Gorilla Glue From Your Clothes

This is another cheap but effective means by which you can get rid of Gorilla Glue from clothes. It has been mentioned earlier in this article that Gorilla Glue is a Polyurethane-based adhesive which means it is made up of a long chain of polymer molecules held together by strong chemical bonds. Like turpentine, rubbing alcohol can weaken these bonds, which allows it to dissolve the glue and remove it from the fabric. Additionally, rubbing alcohol is a relatively mild solvent and less likely to damage the fabric than other chemicals like acetone.

Rubbing Alcohol Getting Rid Of Gorilla Glue From Your Clothes

Here are the steps to follow when you are removing Gorilla Glue from clothes using rubbing alcohol:

  • Scrape off as much excess glue as possible using a butter knife or the edge of a credit card.
  • Apply a small amount of rubbing alcohol to a clean cloth or cotton ball and gently dab it onto the affected area.
  • Allow the alcohol to sit on the glue for a few minutes to soften it.
  • Gently rub the area with a clean cloth or an old toothbrush to remove the glue.
  • Repeat steps 2-4 as necessary until the glue is completely removed.
  • Wash the garment as usual with detergent and water to remove the rubbing alcohol residue.

It is important to keep in mind that before using rubbing alcohol on the clothes, be sure to check the care label to ensure that it can withstand the use of rubbing alcohol, also test the rubbing alcohol on a small discreet part of the fabric to make sure it doesn’t cause discoloration or damage.


Removing Gorilla Glue from clothes can be a difficult task, but it is not impossible. The key is to act quickly and use the right methods and products. Soaking the affected area in warm water and using a solvent such as rubbing alcohol or acetone can help loosen the glue and make it easier to remove. Scraping or rubbing the glue off with a dull tool can also be effective. If the glue has already dried and hardened, it may be necessary to use a solvent specifically designed for removing Gorilla Glue or a product such as Goof Off. In conclusion, with the right approach and technique, you can remove Gorilla Glue from clothes like it was never there.

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