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5 Easy Ways To Remove Period Blood Stains From Your Clothes

5 Easy Ways To Remove Period Blood Stains From Your Clothes

Periods are a normal and natural part of life, but they can cause a lot of stress and frustration when it comes to dealing with the mess they leave behind. From getting blood on your sheets to staining your favorite clothes, period blood stains can be difficult to remove. While it may seem like a daunting task, there are several easy and effective ways to tackle period blood stains and restore your clothing and sheets to their original condition. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll provide you with five easy ways to remove any period blood stains from your clothes. With a few simple steps, you can get rid of those pesky blood stains and keep your clothing looking like new. So, don’t worry about getting rid of those frustrating period stains, just follow our guide and you’ll be on your way to stain-free clothing in no time.

What Are Period Blood Stains And Why Are They Hard To Get Rid Of?

Period blood stains are stains that are caused by menstrual blood, which is the blood that is expelled from the uterus during menstruation. Menstrual blood can cause stains on clothing, bedding, and other fabrics if it is not cleaned up properly.

What Are Period Blood Stains And Why Are They Hard To Get Rid Of

Period blood stains can be difficult to remove for a few reasons. One reason is that menstrual blood contains proteins that can bind to fabrics, making it more difficult to lift the stain. Additionally, if the stain is allowed to dry, it can become more difficult to remove because the dried blood can become harder and more difficult to dissolve. Finally, some fabrics are more prone to staining than others, so certain materials may be more difficult to clean. In general, however, period blood stains can be successfully removed with the right techniques and products.

Getting Rid Of Period Blood Stains – 5 Simple Methods

With the right techniques and products, you can remove period blood stains from your clothes and keep them looking fresh and clean. Here are five of the easiest and most efficient methods you can employ when getting rid of period blood stains from your clothes:

Enzyme-based Stain Remover Getting Rid Of Period Blood Stains

This is essentially the golden rule for removing period blood stains from clothing. An enzyme-based stain remover is literally your best shot at getting rid of period blood stains from your clothes. To get the best of this method, make sure you go for products that contain proteases (enzymes that specifically break down proteins such as those found in the blood).

Enzyme-based Stain Remover Getting Rid Of Period Blood Stains

To remove period blood stains from clothes using an enzyme-based stain remover, follow these steps:

  • Rinse the stain with cold water to remove as much of the blood as possible.
  • Apply the enzyme-based stain remover according to the instructions on the bottle. Be sure to cover the entire stain.
  • Allow the stain remover to sit on the stain for the amount of time recommended by the manufacturer. This will typically be at least 10-15 minutes.
  • Rinse the stain with cold water to remove any remaining stain remover.
  • Launder the item as you normally would, using the safest water temperature for the fabric.
  • If the stain is still visible after laundering, you can repeat the above steps or try using a pre-wash stain remover.
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Remember to always test any stain-removal product or method on a small, inconspicuous area of the fabric first to make sure it won’t cause any damage or discoloration.

Hydrogen Peroxide Getting Rid Of Period Blood Stains

Other home items can be used in addition to the usual laundry chemicals to help remove period blood from clothing. And there is a big chance your first-aid medication cabinet already contains an efficient product whose effectiveness has been attested to by numerous women. This simple household product is hydrogen peroxide.

Hydrogen Peroxide Getting Rid Of Period Blood Stains

Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent choice when it comes to removing blood stains (including those pesky menstrual blood stains) from your clothes. Below are the steps to follow when removing period blood stains from clothes using hydrogen peroxide:

  • Start by blotting the stain with a clean, dry cloth to remove as much excess blood as possible.
  • Mix a solution of equal parts hydrogen peroxide and cold water.
  • Dip a clean cloth into the solution and gently blot the stain, being careful not to rub or scrub it.
  • Once the stain has been saturated with the hydrogen peroxide solution, allow it to sit for about 5-10 minutes.
  • Rinse the affected area thoroughly with cold water.
  • If the stain is still visible, repeat steps 3-5 until the stain is no longer visible.
  • Once the stain has been removed, wash the item of clothing according to the care instructions.

Keep in mind that hydrogen peroxide, like most stain-removing products, can bleach certain fabrics, so it is important to test the solution on a small, inconspicuous area of the garment before applying it to the stain.

White Vinegar Getting Rid Of Period Blood Stains

How well would we fare without white vinegar when it comes to removing stains? Badly! White vinegar does not only excel as a cooking ingredient, but it is also an excellent stain remover that is effective for a wide range of stains including blood stains. White vinegar is an excellent stain remover due to its acidity. The acetic acid in white vinegar helps to break down and dissolve many types of stains, including those from food, beverages, and blood. It is also a natural deodorizer, so it can help to remove any unpleasant odors that may be associated with the stain.

White Vinegar Getting Rid Of Period Blood Stains

In addition to its stain-removing and deodorizing properties, vinegar is also a natural, non-toxic, and biodegradable cleaning agent, making it a safe and environmental-friendly choice for stain removal. To remove period blood stains from clothes, here are the steps to follow:

  • Rinse the stain with cold water as soon as possible. This will help to flush out some of the blood and make it easier to remove the stain. Avoid using hot water, as this can cause the blood to set in the fabric.
  • Mix equal parts water and white vinegar in a bowl.
  • Dip a cloth or sponge into the mixture and blot the stain. Be sure to apply the vinegar solution directly to the stain, rather than the surrounding fabric, as vinegar can cause color fading in some materials.
  • Rinse the area with cold water again to remove the vinegar.
  • Repeat the process if the stain is still visible. You may need to apply the vinegar solution a few times to completely remove the stain.
  • Wash the garment as you normally would, using warm water if the fabric is white and cold water if it is colored. Be sure to follow the care instructions on the garment, as some materials may be sensitive to hot water or certain detergents.
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If the period blood stain is particularly stubborn, you may need to use a commercial stain remover or other means of getting rid of blood stains. It’s also a good idea to treat the stain as soon as possible, as it can be more difficult to get rid of dried blood stains.

Lemon Juice Getting Rid Of Period Blood Stains

Lemon Juice Getting Rid Of Period Blood Stains

Lemon juice is an effective natural stain remover because it is acidic (contains citric acid) and can break down the proteins in the blood. It is also a natural bleaching agent, which means it can help to lighten the stain and make it less visible. The acid in lemon juice can also help to lift the stain off of the fabric and break it up, making it easier to wash.  Because they are both acidic, lemon juice and white vinegar have similar mechanisms of action when it comes to removing stains

Below are the steps you should follow when getting rid of blood stains from fabrics using lemon juice:

  • The first thing you should do is rinse the stain with cold water to remove as much of the blood as possible. This will help to dilute the stain and make it easier to treat.
  • Dip a cotton ball or cloth into the lemon juice mixture and dab it onto the stain. Be sure to cover the entire stain with the mixture.
  • Allow the lemon juice mixture to sit on the stain for a few minutes to allow it to penetrate the fabric. This will give the acid in the lemon juice time to work on breaking down the blood proteins and lifting the stain.
  • After a few minutes, rinse the stain with cold water to remove the lemon juice mixture. Be sure to rinse thoroughly to remove all traces of the mixture.
  • If the stain is still visible, you may need to repeat the process until it is completely gone. Simply mix up a new batch of lemon juice and water and dab it onto the stain, following the same steps as before.
  • Once the stain is gone, launder the clothing as you normally would. This will help to remove any remaining traces of the lemon juice mixture and ensure that the stain is completely gone.

It’s important to note that lemon juice may not be effective on all types of fabrics and stains. It’s always a good idea to test the lemon juice on a small, inconspicuous area of the fabric before using it on the stain, to ensure that it won’t cause any damage or discoloration. Additionally, you should avoid using lemon juice on silk or other delicate fabrics, as it may be too harsh and cause the fabric to become discolored or damaged.

Baking Soda Getting Rid Of Period Blood Stains

This is another very common household item that can be used to deal with frustrating period blood stains. Baking soda can be an effective natural stain remover for blood stains. It is a mild abrasive that can help break the stain up and lift it off the fabric, making it easier to remove. It is a natural, non-toxic substance that is safe to use on most fabrics. It is also inexpensive and easy to find, making it a convenient option for removing stains.

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Baking Soda Getting Rid Of Period Blood Stains

Here are the steps you should follow when using baking soda to remove period blood stains from clothes:

  • First, rinse the stain with cold water to remove as much of the blood as possible. Avoid using hot water, as it can cause the stain to set in.
  • Mix a small amount of cold water with a teaspoon of baking soda to create a paste.
  • Apply the paste to the stain and gently rub it into the fabric using a soft-bristled brush or a cloth.
  • Let the paste sit on the stain for at least 15 minutes, or longer if the stain is particularly stubborn.
  • Rinse the area with cold water to remove the baking soda solution.
  • If the stain is still visible, repeat the process until the stain is gone.
  • Once the stain is removed, wash the item of clothing according to the care instructions on the label.

Baking soda is generally safe to use on most fabrics, but it’s always a good idea to test it on a small, inconspicuous area of the fabric before using it on the stain to ensure that it won’t cause any damage or discoloration. Overall, with a little elbow grease and persistence, you can effectively remove period blood stains from your clothes using baking soda.

Things To Avoid When Dealing With Period Blood Stains

Here are a few things to avoid when trying to remove period blood stains from clothes:

  1. Avoid using hot water:Hot water can cause period blood stains to set, making them more difficult to remove. Instead, use cold water to rinse the stain and wash the item in the hottest water temperature that is safe for the fabric.
  2. Avoid using bleach:Bleach can cause discoloration and may weaken or damage certain fabrics. Instead, try using a liquid enzyme-based stain remover or a mixture of equal parts water and white vinegar.
  3. Avoid using a dirty cloth or sponge:Using a dirty cloth or sponge to scrub the stain can actually make the stain worse by spreading the blood and potentially transferring other stains to the affected area. Instead, use a clean cloth or sponge to scrub the stain.
  4. Avoid drying the item before the stain is completely removed:Drying the item before the stain is completely removed can cause the stain to set, making it more difficult to remove. Instead, allow the item to air dry or pat it dry with a clean towel after rinsing or washing to ensure that the stain is completely removed before drying.


In conclusion, removing period blood stains from clothes can be a challenge, but it is not impossible. By following the steps outlined above, you can effectively remove these stains using a simple solution such as that of water and baking soda. It is important to act quickly to treat the stain and to always follow the care instructions on the clothing label when washing the item. With a little patience and persistence, you can successfully remove period blood stains and keep your clothes looking fresh and clean.

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