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8 Ways to Get Slime Out of Clothes (Step by Step Guide)

8 Ways to Get Slime Out of Clothes

Have you ever taken your child out to the Nickelodeon slime festival, and they are right in front cheering and happy, only to get slime splashed on their clothes? Or the kids were so interested in creating their slime and have been pestering for days, and when you finally decided to allow them to create and play with slime, they got it all over their clothes. Phew! We know. The struggle of parenthood.

Now, because you bought or purchased this clothing item with your money, throwing it away is not an option, and since there is an inner voice telling you that there are hacks or ways to get slime out of clothes, you searched on the internet, and you are here. Well, you’re not wrong.

There are ways to get slime out of clothes, and this article will show you not just one hack but eight different hacks that you can try to get slime out of clothes. This is to give you a bit of variation. Let’s go.

What is Slime?

Before anything, we would like to tell you what you are dealing with first. Slime is a clear or colored body, sticky substance made by mixing a compound called sodium borate or borax with water.

What is Slime

It has a thick, glue-like texture and can be made in various ways. It could also be a mixture of household items that come together to create a polymer substance that acts both as a solid and liquid.

It is popularly called a non-Newtonian fluid because its viscosity is not constant and it changes depending on how much stress or force is applied to it.

Precautions to Take When Dealing With Slime

Slime, as earlier stated, is a sticky substance that children play with, and to be honest, most or some adults like to play with it too. It is fascinating, but when slime gets on your clothes by accident or not, there are precautions you should take. These precautions include:

Set the Affected Cloth Aside

An affected cloth will most likely affect another cloth if it is not separated from the rest. So, when you notice that slime has gotten on a piece or set of clothes, kindly set them aside, especially if you are not ready to deal with them immediately.

Remove Excess Slime

Before you set the affected cloth aside, you should first remove excess slime from the affected area here’s how to do it:

  • Spread the cloth on a flat surface
  • Using a paper towel, dub until the excess slime is out of the cloth

After doing this, go on to wrap the clothes in a bag and set it aside, but not for too long, until you are ready to deal with the slime.

Ways to Get Slime Out of Clothes

Now that you know the basics about slime, it is time for you to get down to why you came here, which is to learn ways to get slime out of your clothes. Below are some ways to outline careful steps to get slime out of clothes.

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1. Using Distilled White Vinegar and Hot Water to Get Slime Out of Clothes

Aside from being popular for cooking and weight loss, vinegar is another ingredient that is used at home for remedies, and getting slime out of clothes is one of them. Below are steps to take to remove slime from your clothing piece successfully.

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Step 1: Remove Excess Slime

Removing excess slime on the affected area should be the first step you take when you are dealing with slime on a shirt, pants, or dress.

If you didn’t follow the precaution stated above to remove the slime immediately after it gets on your clothes, it may have dried up. Not to worry, you can remove it. We will show you how.

How to Remove Excess Dried Slime

You need a blunt knife or a spoon to remove excess dried slime. This means that there will be no tears on your clothes.

Spread your cloth on a flat surface or your palm and add a solvent first to make it easier to remove. After adding the solvent, use the blunt knife or spoon to scrape out the excess slime.

How to Remove Excess Fresh Slime

When it comes to removing fresh slime, it is easier and doesn’t require the use of solvent. All you need to use is a paper towel or a soft towel to dab all the slime out.

Step 2: Using Distilled Vinegar and Hot Water

After removing excess slime, pour a considerable amount of vinegar on the spot and allow it to sit for 5 to 10 minutes to do its work.

After this time, put the affected part under running hot water in a sink, and if you have a faucet, it will be easier to remove since faucets have a certain pressure that can get rid of stains quickly.

If you do not own a type of tap that brings out the hot water, you can boil water and transfer it to a bowl, then put the cloth inside the bowl. After some time, remove the cloth from the bowl and wash the slime.

2. Using Ice Cubes to Get Slime Out of Clothes

Using Ice Cubes

Ice cubes are another good option for getting slime out of clothes, and because of their frozen state, they can catch and solidify the slime on the cloth. If you have ice cubes, here’s how to use them to wipe out slime from clothes.

Step 1: Lay The Cloth on a Flat Surface

If you want to successfully remove all of the slime from the fabric, you need to be able to see it clearly, and the only way to do that is to lay the fabric out on a flat surface, as this makes it easier to see.

Step 2: Place Ice Cubes on the Affected Spot

Place 2 to 4 ice cubes on the affected area and leave them there for a few minutes or until the slime on the cloth has solidified. When this occurs, you can proceed to remove the slime. You can even go the extra mile and wash the cloth.

3. Using Rubbing Alcohol to Get Slime Out of Clothes

Using Rubbing Alcohol

Isopropyl alcohol, an ingredient for making rubbing alcohol, dissolves many non-polar compounds. It evaporates quickly, and the commonly available grades leave no traces when used as a removing agent.

The mixture is an effective ingredient for removing slime from your clothes; instructions for using it are provided below.

Step to Take

After removing the excess slime from the clothes, pour rubbing alcohol on the spot affected, and because rubbing alcohol contains isopropyl alcohol, you can go ahead to remove the slime with a paper towel or soft cloth immediately after the rubbing alcohol is applied.

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4. Using Baking Soda to Get Slime Out of Clothes

Using Baking Soda

Baking soda is another common household item that is frequently used for home remedies, including slime removal. But, as we all know, baking soda cannot always do the job independently. So, here are a few things you’ll need to ensure this method works properly.

Things You Will Need

  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar
  • Water
  • Dull knife or spoon
  • Brush

Step 1: Excess Slime Should Be Scraped Out

Scrape at least all of the slime out of the clothes with a dull knife or spoon. This simplifies the removal process instead of leaving all the slime on before using baking soda.

Step 2: Apply Baking Soda

Sprinkle baking soda on the spot with your hand or a spoon, then spritz it with vinegar. Allow the vinegar and baking soda mixture to sit for 5 to 10 minutes.

After that, dab the mixture out of the cloth with a towel. If dabbing does not work, use a bristle brush to continuously go back and forth until the slime is removed from the cloth.

5. Using Dishwashing Soap to Get Slime Out of Clothes

Using Dishwashing Soap

Dishwashing soap is used as a cleaning agent. It is formulated to get rid of microbes in dishes, but the fact that it is a dishwasher does not mean that it cannot be used to clean anything else. If you have any dishwashers at home, below are a few extra things to remove slime from your beautiful dress.

What You Need

  • Dish wash soap
  • White vinegar or rubbing alcohol
  • Toothbrush or bristle brush
  • Water

Step 1: Spray With Vinegar or Rubbing Alcohol

After scraping the excess slime from the cloth, fill a spray bottle with rubbing alcohol or white vinegar and spritz it on the affected area. Spray until it is visible, then evenly distribute the solvent on the spot with a toothbrush or bristle brush.

Step 2: Apply the Dish Wash Soap

Now, using the pads of your fingers, apply the dishwashing liquid of your choice that you have at home to the affected area and work it in.

Step 3: Soak the Clothing

After that, soak the clothes in warm water for 30 minutes. Bring it out to see if the slime was successfully removed. If not, repeat all steps until you achieve the desired results.

6. Using Chlorine Bleach to Get Slime Out of Clothes

The use of chlorine bleach can oxidize many bonds, such as slimes, which in turn breaks them and reduces their capacity to stick. This makes it another good option to get rid of the slime.

Using Chlorine Bleach


Due to the harsh nature of chlorine bleach, it is recommended that the fabric be tested to determine whether or not it is capable of withstanding the application of bleach without being ruined.

Step 1: Create a Chlorine Bleach Solution and Apply It

Make a solution by combining a tablespoonful of chlorine bleach and at least two cups’ worth of hot water in a mixing bowl. You can use a spray bottle to apply the solution to the stained area or dampen the area with a sponge and then apply the solution.

Step 2: Soak it in

Allow the cloth to soak for about 30 minutes in this solution. After that, remove it and rinse it under warm water. If there are any remaining slime bits after this procedure, you can peel them off with a spoon or a dull knife.

7. Using Laundry Detergent to Get Slime Out of Clothes

Using Laundry Detergent

Surfactants, which are molecules that improve the mixing of water and other substances like oil or grease, are found in detergents. When you wash, these surfactants lift dirt and oils off the fabric and attach them to the water. This is why they can assist in the removal of slime from clothing. Let us see how.

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Step 1: Scrape Out as Much Slime as Possible

You should do this with a dull knife, a spoon, or your long fingernails. It helps to prevent the fabric from tearing in that way.

Step 2: Apply the Laundry Detergent

Apply a small amount of laundry detergent to the slime on a flat surface or in your hand, and work it in with your hands or a toothbrush. Continue doing this for a while or until you notice the slime wearing out.

Step 3: Dip it in Warm Water

Allow the detergent to sit for 10 minutes before dipping the cloth in warm or hot water, then leave the cloth in hot water for 30 minutes to help both the detergents and the hot water break down the slime out of the cloth.

Step 4: Rinse, Wash, and Dry

Allow the detergent to sit for 10 minutes before dipping the cloth in warm or hot water, and then leave the cloth in hot water for 30 minutes to help both the detergent and the hot water break down the slime.

8. Using Citrus Liquid to Get Slime Out of Clothes

Using Citrus Liquid

The citrus liquid is gotten from fruits like lemon, lime, and oranges. This is an alternative to white vinegar. If you cannot find vinegar at home but have citrus fruits, you can use it for this hack.

Step 1: Get the Slime Out

Before applying the solvent, ensure that as much slime as possible has been removed from the cloth. It is important that you do this. It makes the process easier.

Step 2: Apply the Citrus Liquid

Allow a small quantity of lemon, lime, or orange juice to sit on the spot for 10 to 30 minutes. After that, begin peeling away. If the slime is out, rinse, wash, and dry the cloth.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Hand Sanitizers Deactivate Slime?

Yes, hand sanitizers can deactivate slime. It makes no difference what brand you use; just make sure there is alcohol on the ingredient list, and it is safe to use.

What are the Ingredients Used to Make Slime?

The standard or basic ingredients of slime are water, glue, shaving foam, food coloring, and a slime activator such as borax. Slime can also be colored with food coloring.

Can Slime Damage Clothes?

Slime can damage clothing if left for several days. It becomes much more difficult to remove when it dries on a specific piece of clothing. As a result, it is critical to deal with a slime-infested cloth as soon as possible.

Final Words

Slime is easily removed, so don’t be alarmed if your children get it all over their clothes. Approach the stain with a positive attitude and use one of the methods described in this article; we guarantee that at least one or more will work for you.

If you have any further questions, please leave them in the comments section, and we will do our best to answer them.

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